Friday, February 1, 2019

Silent Love – 18

Continued from the previous post –
It is all money, Rohini; money makes a person into a devil. Nothing else.” Mahendra

While they were talking Rohini was deeply pressing herself on Mahendra. So that she was feeling more assured that she can help him.
Can I read the file?” Rohini

You will not be able to read; it is in cryptic code which only I and Joshi can read.” Mahendra

Does Joshi know of that file? I shall definitely get that file; but will you not tell me what was that thing; made you hide yourself in this way? Dear”

What will they do if you come out like this?” Rohini

Please you will have to explain all these things so that I can work properly. Did you do anything wrong so that you want to hide like this? Please tell me all that. You must trust me. Mahendra I shall never let you down, please let me know all that!” Rohini

Joshi does not know of that file but if he happens to get that file I shall be in deeper trouble!” Mahendra

Rohini kept on pressing him to tell the matter; nobody knows how many times she uttered those words to push him. She was mad to know what happened between Joshi and him that caused all this to him. Mahendra tapping gently on her back and began to tell her the event...

Part 10 ends...

Cabin of Mr. Joshi and there he calls Mrs. Ranadive on phone and Mrs. Ranadive enters his cabin. She wishes him good morning and without his offer sits in the front chair.

Did you say miss Rohini was searching for the file of Velkar?” Joshi.

Did she get the file?” Joshi

I told her to see in the appropriate folder and while she was searching for that file Rohit sent for her and she left. Nothing more than that has happened.” Ranadive

Did I make a mistake by telling her the folder?” Ranadive

No, that was quite natural and now you should just keep a watch on her so that you may know what she finds.” Joshi

Is it that important?” Ranadive

I really do not know if she is having any clue to that man but the way she put the presentation I am very much sure that it was Velkar’s presentation.” Joshi

Sir, it is quite possible that Rohini’s presentation happened to have been similar just by chance!” Ranadive

If that is the thing then it will be fine but I know how she puts the presentation and that was definitely not of hers!” Joshi
Continues in the next post –

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