Saturday, April 29, 2017

Funny Fiasco - 4

Continues from the previous post –

There Damu swiftly clears from the scene and goes straight to Anant’s cabin, drops the red shirt and shoves out of the hotel in a hurry.

In Rashmi’s bedroom, Rashmi comes home and enters the bedroom, throws her purse on the dressing table and tosses herself on the bed. After relaxing for a while gets up and opens her purse to see the earrings and now there was yet another surprise awaiting her. She sees in place of one box, two. Hastily she opens the boxes and finds that both the boxes contained exactly similar earrings. She utters to herself. “This is impossible!”

She keeps wondering who on earth was the other man who she was sitting with and why on earth he pretended to be Rahul. Probably that was Rashmi’s life’s very first dating and she had enjoyed the thrill of that unplanned dating. She decides to tell about all that happened to her father who was everything for her. But that evening Anant had decided to be at Anjali’s; wanting to know what happened with Rahul. {A song may be added to show her happy mood}
Scene of Anjali's house. Anant is already there before Rahul reaches the house. Anant sees Rahul in a very bad mood and Anant knows why because, Rahul missed his red shirt and nothing else! Anant was correct in that. As Rahul comes and sees the red shirt box placed at his seat on the dining table he beams with happiness. Takes a turn around himself to show his happiness. “Who got it?” he enquires. Looking to his father realizes that and now Rahul has almost forgotten everything about the evening. Anant heaves a deep sigh of relief and they enjoy the supper chatting about the red shirt; Anjali serving the meal.

Scene of Rashmi's room, Rashmi keeps thinking about that mysterious man who pretended to be Rahul and also feels very happy about the meeting. She has inadvertently begun to feel very good about everything that happened between the two. Nevertheless, she still is wondering about who the guy was and whether they will meet again. One thing she remembers that Damu had asked her for her mobile number and she had given it to him and that was one hope that he may call her again. “But if he really calls me what shall I do and speak to him?” Rashmi keeps wondering. Now she is preparing to go to sleep and there the mobile starts humming. Rashmi rushes to the mobile picks it up and asks the caller his name. Other side says, I am Damodar Kinkini, we had been in hotel this evening!

Hello, who is this? She enquires in a rough tone. Because she wanted to pretend that she is annoyed even though she was actually very pleased to get that phone.

Hi, it is me, we were at the hotel!” voice repeats the message again, from the other side

Rashmi, “Mister, who ever you are; can I know why you were pretending to be Rahul, will you please explain to me?” Rashmi’s voice was very rude

Exactly to explain that, I want to see you again can we meet tomorrow?”

Rashmi in angry tone warns him, “I am sorry, I do not meet strangers, ‘am a decent girl and please tell me about it right here on the phone, why to meet for that?” she scolds him.

I can not tell you that on phone and I know you are a very decent lady and my intentions are innocent. OK, can we meet at my office? Please do not say no. I call you at my office so that you shall know that I am also a decent fellow. I have to explain everything to you honestly and Rashmi, let me tell you at this moment that I am innocent It is your father who told me to imposter as Rahul, I myself do not know why but believe me”.

Continues in the next post –

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